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October 13, 2006


Scott W

Try to pinpoint the moment you realized 90% of mainstream journalism is junk. Mine was years ago with the infamous exploding truck piece. Can't remember the brand or even the context, but I will never forget video of those estes rockets rigged up to the truck to make it explode after it failed to do so in regular test crashes.


"All the news that fits, we print."


Wasn't Bill Moyers the Chuck Colson of the LBJ administration. (No, that can't be right: Moyers was a Baptist minister before he became LBJ's press secretary, meaning that he went from religious figure to White House hatchet man, while Colson went exactly the other way.)


So, Bill Moyers is doing what?

He's not exactly acting as a mole within say a "no spin zone."

Just a thought.

Ed Peters

Scott W asks just the right qq in just the right way. there comes a time, no doubt about it. Bill M was one of the creepies that made face the facts, 25 years ago now, that the msm was poisoned. his day is over. the internet, for all its flaws, has broken the monopoly is the msm. from here on out, there will stil be bill moyers out there, but they will be known for what they are. pr mananers for the Left.

Scott W

...the internet, for all its flaws, has broken the monopoly is the msm. from here on out...

I remember watching a call-in on C-span in which one caller said blogs and internet news needed to be regulated and taxed. The guest (I can't remember) quipped, "Well, I'm glad you were not around in Thomas Paine's time." :)

Scott W

He's not exactly acting as a mole within say a "no spin zone."

While I am not a fan of Bill O., I think many people are under the misapprehension that "no spin" equals no bias. It don't.

Tim J.

It is interesting to note that the two main views of the blogosphere from the left seem to be;

1) It's impact on the MSM and American politics is overated... it's really not that big a deal.

2) It should be regulated and taxed immediately.

Tim J.

Moyers helped me to realize that some people really can look you in the eye, shake your hand and smile warmly while planning to, say, garrote you in your sleep.

Metaphorically speaking.

Like a warm, folksy, homespun mob boss.


My moment of realizing that the media cannot be trusted came even earlier than the exploding truck. I was watching the televised Iran-Contra hearings. Col North said something like "You people keep saying that I did ...something or other... but it's not true". I don't remember what he identified in the sentence as not being true but later that day I was at my parents' house and saw the NBC nightly news. The lede that night was "Oliver North admits wrong doing" and they played a very carefully edited tape of Col North saying "I did...." They left out the part where he said "you people keep saying.... but it's not true." I have not volutarily watched network news since that day. The exploding truck, the planting of outdated food in inner-city grocery stores, none of that surprises me. People who don't believe that there is objective Truth, will invariably lie to you.

David B.

"All the news that fits, we print."

Wrong, Bill. It should be "all the news that fits our liberal agenda, we print."

Jimmy Akin

I think that's what Bill meant.


Well, that's what I meant: "fits our templet."


Jimmy, we passed in the ether.

David B.

Jimmy and Bill,

I guess I was being a little too over-accurate, if you know what I mean.


Well, if Moyers did a hatchet job through bad-faith editing, then shame on him. I haven't seen this series yet, but a word to the wise is appreciated.

Having said that, however, Moyers is very open about his opinions and point of view. He can't really be criticized in general for harboring a hidden agenda. I found his "Faith and Reason" series, which is also available online, very worthwhile. I like anybody who can really make you think. Like Bill Moyers and Jimmy Akin.

(With the opening caveat, of course.)

Oh, and re: 90% of mainstream journalism is junk:

Alas, 90% of everything is junk. Babies and bathwater, etc.

Ellers Ellison "Ellsberg" McWilson

Jealous much?

Bill Moyers has had his statements read on the floor of the Senate, has a journalism degree, and is author of the New York Times Best Selling Book “How Would A Journalist Crush Dissent?" His comments often lead to front-page stories on most major newspapers in the country. And he has one of the most-read blogs on the Interent, after just 9 months of blogging. I love how all you super-important rightwing bloggers attack me, I mean him, just to get traffic.

I bid you GOOD DAY, sir.

A Simple Sinner

"Jealous much?

Bill Moyers has had his statements read on the floor of the Senate, has a journalism degree, and is author of the New York Times Best Selling Book “How Would A Journalist Crush Dissent?" His comments often lead to front-page stories on most major newspapers in the country. And he has one of the most-read blogs on the Interent, after just 9 months of blogging. I love how all you super-important rightwing bloggers attack me, I mean him, just to get traffic.

I bid you GOOD DAY, sir."


Ellsberg has no clue where (s)he has landed. Jimmy Akin's blog is about as much fueled by a desire and interest to create traffic (in the google.com sense) as my FDR Demacrat grandma is when she calls for a return to the "New Deal" with her friends when playing bridge.

Mike Koenecke

"McWilson's" post was a satire (and quite funny). Some people create fake identities online and post comments defending themselves. It's called creating a "sock puppet." The post was very similar to things posted by a fellow named Glenn Greenwald under other names, boasting about and defending himself, ending with "I bid you GOOD DAY, sir." He was caught out when site operators examined traffic logs and determined that the source of these comments was the same IP address in Brazil (I think it was Brazil) Glenn Greenwald posts from.


So What? Mr. Moyers' left-leaning or liberal bias is a big improvement over what passes for "commentary" or analysis in most channels. His stories are meticiously researched and usually well ahead of the pack.

I find these criticisms of him to be a warm endorsement, and will continue to watch/read Mr. Moyers at any opportunity.

I also find all this bashing of liberalism to be quite pointless. Liberalism is the foundation of our Nation--just read the Declaration of Independence. Liberalism, as the basis for a Constitutional Republic, such as the USA, is quite a borad umbrella, and has lots of room for both "liberals" and "conservatives."

Much of what passes today as "conservative" is actullly extreme right-wing radicalism--e.g. tossing out Habeus Corpus, torture, lack of fiscal or judiciary oversight, etc. and draws disturbing parallels to another 20th century republic which was overthrown by fascists in the mid-30s.


Tim J.

"Liberalism, as the basis for a Constitutional Republic, such as the USA, is quite a borad umbrella, and has lots of room for both "liberals" and "conservatives."

Really? Then why are liberals currently the very definition of political intolerance? They support free speech, but only for themselves, and can not tolerate open debate.


Tsk, tsk, tsk. Looks like it's time to shut down operations, isn't it? Maybe the Simpering Imbecile should have started by getting rid of the libel laws first, instead of trashing habeous corpus and the Bill of Rights. Just goes to show that facts do, indeed, have a liberal bias. If only you had controlled yourself, you could have babbled on with whatever slimy, dishonest opinion you wanted. But that wasn't good enough; nope, you had to come up with specific, false, libelous accusations of FACT. What a dummy!!

Mark Johnson

UncleBestraffe wrote: "Liberalism is the foundation of our Nation--just read the Declaration of Independence. Liberalism, as the basis for a Constitutional Republic, such as the USA, is quite a borad umbrella, and has lots of room for both "liberals" and "conservatives." "

Modern Conservatism is the effort to conserve the liberalism of the time of the Founding. Liberalism at that time meant individual rights as opposed to an all-powerful monarchy. Liberalism nowadays means something more like taking the individual's money so that the group (or rather the elites of the group) can do what it thinks best with it, such as give it to other people -- which to me sounds similar to what the all-powerful monarchy used to do. On the other hand, Conservativism nowadays means letting the individual keep his own money and do what he thinks best with it. I'll let the reader decide which is more like the philosophy of the Founders.

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