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December 30, 2005



If I may, I'd like to share a link to a child's artwork:


What is so amazing is that she is so young, and yet never received any training. The ability to create is truly God-given.

John E

This post reminds me of this artwork called "Midnight Blue", by Barnett Newman.

http://www.museenkoeln.de/ausstellungen/wrm_0506_ansichten/default.asp?lang=en (Go to exhibits and then artists)

I'm no purveyor of fine art either, but come on, this is fine art?

Ed Peters

I forget who said it, but it's perfect: "If I can do it, it ain't art."


"If you have to read a paper to understand a painting, it has already failed as a work of art, in my opinion." Or, as the late sci-fi writer, Robert Heinlein, put it: "Obscurity is the refuge of incompetence."


I wonder why so many artists prefer to paint fruit falling out of a bowl.

J A Baumgartner

"I forget who said it, but it's perfect: 'If I can do it, it ain't art.'"

It was the eminent Canadian philosopher Red Green who defined art thusly.

Ed Peters

JAB: naw, it was earlier than that, I'm sure.

Tim J.

"I forget who said it, but it's perfect: 'If I can do it, it ain't art.'"

There is something to that. Another definition of art is "skill aquired through learning and practice".

That seems to have been forgotten, though, in favor of the "everything is art" view.


The "everything is art" view reminds me of something else Heinlein wrote: "These days, every neurotic with astigmatism and a blowtorch calls himself an artist."


We went to the art museum this weekend. My husband split his time between making fun of the abstract art and making fun of the people viewing the abstract art :) I seriously, SERIOUSLY can't stand the overanalysis portion of the art world (any form of art, dance, theater, writing, visual arts). That stuff is analysed to death by no-tallent hacks who like art and wish they could produce it, but lack either the training or the talent... or worse still... the vision. Actual artists who are masters of their craft seldom sit around and write 20 page analyses of why the indigo in that painting represents xyz and evokes qrs. They're out there PRODUCING art. They've internalized the rules, the craft, the history behind what they're doing, they arn't sitting there deep in thought, pondering every brush stroke or sentence written. I didn't enjoy that stuff in high school and I didn't enjoy it in college where I was unfortunate enough to go to a conservatory that was equal parts hands-on and analyising things until you were ready to puke. Knowing why you like something and understanding your reaction is one thing. What some of these people do is just a sin.


I am fairly new to the JA.O website, and just recently discovered this particular article.

I have been in constant debate with my friends regarding the whole notion of art for a very long time. This article was very good, and very closely resembled my own position, up until the end.

When Tim said:

"Too much attention to realism would actually serve as a distraction. As long as people can readily recognize who the icon symbolically represents, things like realistic shading or accurate anatomy are unnecessary."

I had to disagree and comment. If one is going to elevate the various notions of art, and the very nature of art itself, then one cannot divorce the element of beauty from the Fine Arts. Beauty cannot be simply relegated to "recognizable symbolism", nor the "intelligably sublime". Beautiful art is a reflection of that which is most beautiful and so therefore must reach to be the most perfect depiction of that which is most beautiful. As such, the highest subject for art is of course Christian in nature.

My objection lies with the notion that fine art does not necessarily need to possess realistic shading or accurate anatomy. While I would never relegate the highest forms of art to perfect proportion (to do so would deny the lisence of artists to play with coloring or proportion to depict the sublime), such alterations must be made in order to "perfectly" depict the highest beauty. For instance, the Crucifixion by Georges Rouault is intelligable and readily recognizable (people know what it is depicting immediately), but it is also very ugly. When compared with Caravaggio's "Doubting Thomas", one can make an immediate distinction between the levels of beauty in both works.

So, I believe that intelligibility is not the only thing necessary in Fine Art, but the highest degree of competence in reflecting that which is most beautiful, which means that the highest attention to detail is necessary.


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